Frequently Asked
Energetic Healing/Reiki related
How does Energetic Healing differ from Reiki?
Reiki is a form of Energetic Healing. The reason I’ve
chosen to differentiate what I personally do is
because Reiki isn’t the only energy I use during
sessions. Usui Reiki is actually more restrictive than
some other forms of energetic healing in that there
are specific hand positions that are used during a
What is Reiki?
Reiki is the Japanese word for the
life energy that flows through all
things in the Universe. The
practice of Reiki is a healing
modality using this Universal
energy to clear and balance a person’s energetic body
(or field if you prefer) to aid the physical body in
maintaining its own health.
How does Energetic Healing/Reiki work?
In the context of an energetic healing session, the
practitioner is a conduit for healing energy. During
your session, the practitioner “reads” your energy to
identify areas where the flow of energy is sluggish or
blocked. The practitioner clears any blockages and
then directs the healing energy to the areas that need
to be replenished. Reiki is an “intelligent” energy, it
knows where it needs to go, what it needs to do, and
what is best for the situation (which may not be what
we originally intend). Other healing energies used
may need some “instruction” from the practitioner,
but all the healing energies used all work toward the
highest good for the client.
Will Energetic Healing/Reiki cure illness?
No. energetic healing doesn’t “cure” anything.
Energetic healing/Reiki can be a benefit when we
have an illness or are over-taxed due to stress by
keeping the energetic pathways free-flowing. If our
energy can flow freely, our bodies are better able to
cope with daily stressors and potential (or existing)
Will Energetic Healing/Reiki keep me from getting
Maybe. There is currently no way to quantify the
effects of energy work on our bodies. Speaking from
personal experience, I can say that by regularly
clearing my energetic pathways I tend to stay
healthier and have heard the same from others.
How can Energetic
Healing/Reiki help me?
The “ki” (energy) present within
an individual should be strong
and free flowing. When this is
maintained, the body and mind
are in a positive state of health. But when our energy
becomes weak or blocked it can lead to physical
and/or emotional imbalance. An energetic
healing/Reiki session helps to clear the energy
pathways within the body so that your body can keep
itself as healthy as possible.
Why do I need to see a practitioner, can’t anyone
use this energy?
Practitioners who deal with healing energies have
been trained to feel and direct the healing energy in a
specific manner so that we may clear any blockages
and strengthen the flow within the energetic body. In
the case of Reiki energy, the process that we go
through during training includes a series of
attunements that modify our own energy field so that
we can utilize the Reiki energy properly.
How are your sessions different than those offered
by other practitioners?
Each session that I perform is different and tailored to
the individual client’s needs. Some practitioners
prefer to use a set method within their practice but I
prefer to remain flexible and allow my intuition and
the specific energy from the client to dictate how a
session progresses. In addition I will include
aromatherapy, crystals, tuning forks, or singing bowls
if needed.
Do you teach Reiki?
I am certified to teach Reiki and may do so in the
future, but for now I don’t feel I’m ready to teach.
What is an Energetic Healing Distance Session?
Because Energetic Healing deals solely with energy,
it can be done without touch or even needing to be in
the same room. During a distance session, the
practitioner is able to read and direct energy without
regard to spacial limitations. A distance healing
works just as well as an office visit, the only
difference is that direct (physical) communication
between practitioner and client is reduced. All
distance sessions are done via telephone to maintain
the proper feedback from the client during the
Do I need to bring my pet to your office for an
Energetic Healing Pet Session?
No. Animals are more comfortable in their home and
are more likely to accept the healing energy there. If
you are within 15 miles of LAX I may agree come to
your home to perform the session for your pet.
Outside this range, we will arrange to do a Distance
session for your pet. Please note that I will not work
with aggressive animals directly ... if your dog or cat
doesn’t like new people or has bitten anyone in the
past, make sure to arrange a Distance session through
my online shop instead of requesting a home visit.
Why don’t you offer home sessions for humans?
My office is setup to energetically support healing
sessions. Most people have others living with/around
them and the energy from others can hamper the
healing process. It is not practical to do this sort of
work in an environment where energies that aren’t
supportive of the process exist, nor is it feasible to
spend extra time to clear out those energies prior to a
Why don’t you answer the phone?
I find that a phone nearby only serves to distract from
the healing energy in the area I do sessions so I have
chosen to not have phone service in my office space.
Is it appropriate to tip an Energetic Healing
It’s always acceptable to offer a gratuity to anyone
performing a service for you, but it’s really up to you.
As with other services, a tip says “thanks for doing a
really good job” or “I really like the service I got”.
But I don’t believe that energetic practitioners get
upset if you don’t tip ... I know I don’t anyway.
Light Language related Questions
What is a Light Language grid good for?
Pretty much anything that involves any sort of
improvement or stabilization effect. I’ve used grids
to create more harmonious communication at home,
“tune-up” my own mental and emotional processes,
aid in spiritual growth, create a more peaceful
workspace, and even to aid the adjustment period
when bringing a new pet into our home.
What’s the difference between
the Stationary, Intermediate, and
Advanced grids?
Stationary grids work by
associating your spaces (home,
car, office) or personal
communication devices (computer, cell phone, tablet)
with your personal chakras. They are used to
harmonize your spaces/devices to your energy field.
Intermediate and advanced grids work by establishing
an energy flow to aid your attempts at reaching a
specific goal. Intermediate grids work in the near
term and frequently stop working after a set date.
Advanced grids are for long term change and work
more slowly.
Astrology related Questions
What information is in your astrological reports?
Natal charts (birth charts) contain a
detailed description of how each
planetary aspect can affect who you
are. Compatibility and Relationship
charts compare the planetary aspects
between two people and describes
how those aspects might affect their interactions.
What information do you need to prepare an
astrological report?
The date and time of birth as well as the birth
location (city and state) are required for each person
in the chart. For a natal, solar return, or transit chart
that’s just you (or whomever you want the report for,
perhaps a child). For one of the relationship or
compatibility charts this information is needed for
both the people to be charted.