Healing With
Does it really work?
The short answer is ... yes.
Since I was an engineer most of my life,
I understand the skepticism many have
when talking about healing with energy.
I’ve been there myself. But my
experiences have shown me that one can indeed heal
with energy. Setting pure Energetic Healing aside for
a moment, let’s talk about another form of energy
healing … acupuncture.
Now, I’m not one to do acupuncture myself (I’m not
a fan of needles and have an overly well developed
set of nerves near the surface of my skin) but a few
years ago we had an older dog with some pretty
severe arthritis. She ended up needing surgery on one
of her legs but we didn’t want to get the surgery for
her until we could get the arthritis under control and
my preference was to do so without additional pain
medications or experimental treatments.
I’d heard that acupuncture was somewhat effective in
dogs, so we found a veterinarian trained in animal
acupuncture and started taking our girl once a week.
Within 5 or 6 weeks it was as if someone had turned
the clock back at least 5 years. Our 13 year old
arthritic dog was clearly feeling much better ... she
was trotting around her yard and rolling around on
her back!
If she were human, I might not have been so
impressed. Humans have the capacity to effect
healing just by believing something will work (the
placebo effect). But animals don’t have “logic” and
our girl had no idea what we were doing so the results
aren’t tainted by rationalization or other human brain
This episode, more than any other experience I’ve
had, convinced me of how well energy can work to
help us heal. It cannot cure us, but it can help us to
heal ourselves. By keeping our energetic pathways
clear, we minimize the effects of stress and maximize
our body’s ability to function properly. And whether
we keep things clear ourselves or seek help to clear
those pathways isn’t important ... just that we do keep
things moving. Internal stresses, excess
electromagnetic energy, junk food, lack of sleep, and
high emotional states can all contribute to blockages
in our body’s energetic pathways.
The practice of Energetic Healing is similar in theory
to acupuncture … the energy a practitioner works
with is used to clear blockages in the energetic body,
maintaining the flow of energy and allowing the body
a greater potential to heal itself. Energetic Healing
practitioners do not supply the energy needed to clear
blockages or replenish the body’s
energy supply, we are just a
conduit for the life energy in the
Universe and have been trained to
feel and direct that energy.
Energetic healing modalities do not “cure” disease or
heal the body directly, but they do help the body to
use its ability to heal itself by helping to maintain an
efficient energy flow. Energetic Healing is also a
wonderful way to help manage stress in your life.
Not only do you get a little help in keeping the
energetic paths clear, each session is like a mini-
retreat from the daily grind where you can just relax
for a while.
For Educational purposes only.
This information has not been evaluated by a medical professional.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I have come to understand that some of the deepest and most
effective healing is not found at a doctor’s office or a
hospital,but rather from inside ourselves. Our bodies are
designed for self-healing, and we are capable of both boosting
and blocking that ability. Dr. Daju Suzanne Friedman