Cleansing Spaces

Why cleanse your personal space?

Did you know that negative energies can linger even after whatever created them has stopped? I noticed this before I’d started working directly with energy … after being stuck home sick for just a few days it seemed like my whole house had a mildly oppressive feel to it. Even though I’d not started working with energies at the time, I still felt them and in this case I decided to smudge with sage to clear out the space. It made the house feel so much better! Now I carry sage, crystals, and a small singing bowl with me when we travel … just in case I end up renting a vacation house that needs clearing out. There are a number of reasons why someone might want to perform a cleansing on their space. A few of those are: removing negative energies; breaking up stagnant energies and reestablishing a positive energy flow; removing ties from a previous owner when buying a house. In addition to manipulating the energies in and around a space, it may also be necessary to seal the space to prevent negative energies from coming back. This can be done for any personal space but the effect will be more pronounced with living space. Office space tends to have a higher flow of energies coming and going, though performing a cleansing on a suite of offices would be a great idea to set the tone of the energy you want for a business. A good smudge and some positive sounds can do wonders to chase off negative energies and bring more positive energy to a space, but beyond that it is sometimes helpful to work directly with the energies of a space to achieve a specific intent. Anyone can do a simple smudge (or even just light some incense) but cutting ties to previous occupants or manipulating the energies to define a specific flow is a bit more advanced and it might be helpful to have someone trained in energy work assist with that task. After receiving a request from a potential client about cleansing a home, I’ve decided to add this service. Because each situation is unique, I cannot list a specific price for this service. If you’re interested, wander on over to my contact page and either leave a message via phone or send me an email with the details of what you’re interested in and I’ll get a quote to you as soon as possible.
Yin-Yang sphere
Copyright © 2013-2025 Healing Through Balance, LLC.

Cleansing Spaces

Why cleanse your personal space?

Did you know that negative energies can linger even after whatever created them has stopped? I noticed this before I’d started working directly with energy … after being stuck home sick for just a few days it seemed like my whole house had a mildly oppressive feel to it. Even though I’d not started working with energies at the time, I still felt them and in this case I decided to smudge with sage to clear out the space. It made the house feel so much better! Now I carry sage, crystals, and a small singing bowl with me when we travel … just in case I end up renting a vacation house that needs clearing out. There are a number of reasons why someone might want to perform a cleansing on their space. A few of those are: removing negative energies; breaking up stagnant energies and reestablishing a positive energy flow; removing ties from a previous owner when buying a house. In addition to manipulating the energies in and around a space, it may also be necessary to seal the space to prevent negative energies from coming back. This can be done for any personal space but the effect will be more pronounced with living space. Office space tends to have a higher flow of energies coming and going, though performing a cleansing on a suite of offices would be a great idea to set the tone of the energy you want for a business. A good smudge and some positive sounds can do wonders to chase off negative energies and bring more positive energy to a space, but beyond that it is sometimes helpful to work directly with the energies of a space to achieve a specific intent. Anyone can do a simple smudge (or even just light some incense) but cutting ties to previous occupants or manipulating the energies to define a specific flow is a bit more advanced and it might be helpful to have someone trained in energy work assist with that task. After receiving a request from a potential client about cleansing a home, I’ve decided to add this service. Because each situation is unique, I cannot list a specific price for this service. If you’re interested, wander on over to my contact page and either leave a message via phone or send me an email with the details of what you’re interested in and I’ll get a quote to you as soon as possible.
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